The Challenge:
Get more items in the online sales cart.
Lucky Brands needed to sell more complete bedding collections instead of individual items like sheets and pillow cases but sales conversion for collections lagged below goal.

School project: Redesign and
site architecture
The Design Solution:
Collection as context.
Research in the current user journey identified the impediments to conversion: navigation made it difficult for shoppers to quickly see all the new Lucky Brand bedding collections, the individual items in a collection, how to customize a collection, and how to easily purchase a collection. As a result, shoppers would begin the purchase process but abandon before conversion.
With the desired user journey in mind, we began by making the Home Department more prominent in the hierarchy for the overall Lucky Brand site, giving this new offering greater awareness for Lucky Brand shoppers.  Within the Home Bedding section of the site, we created a new hierarchy with improved navigation that made collections the focal point of the shopping experience. If a shopper selected an individual sheet, they quickly saw the collection that complemented that sheet. If a shopper selected a collection, they quickly saw all the items in the collection, with an easy way to add or delete items to create a custom collection for that shopper. Whatever items a shopper was considering, the collection was always the context. Adding a modal screen made it easy for shoppers to see the collection they were considering, and intuitively make edits or purchase with a single button click.